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Interface IPluginOptions


  • IPluginOptions



Optional altDefaultImport

altDefaultImport: boolean

Import alt-client, alt-server, etc. as normal ES modules and export them using default export.

Temp fix for high memory usage.

false by default.

Optional altvEnums

altvEnums: boolean

Enables built-in "altv-enums" module that exports enums from alt-shared, alt-server, alt-client.

To use it, you first need to add altv-enums to tsconfig typeRoots as follows:

"typeRoots": [

And disable isolatedModules so that your code editor does not complain when using enums from this module.

false by default.

import alt from "alt-server"
import { RadioStation } from "altv-enums"

const vehicle = new alt.Vehicle(...)
vehicle.activeRadioStation = RadioStation.Space // works without any TS errors

Optional bugFixes

bugFixes: boolean | IPluginFixesOption

Enables alt:V or GTA bug fixes.

true by default.

Optional dev

dev: boolean | IPluginDevOption

Enables dev mode and hot reload if not disabled.

(some cleaning stuff on resource stop, such as destroying vehicles or clearing all metadata set by resource, players reconnect emulation, etc.).

false by default.

Optional enhancedAltLog

enhancedAltLog: boolean

Now this is a useless option because it was integrated into the alt:V JS module.

Adds better value formatting to alt.log, alt.logDebug and console.log if code is executed on the clientside (uses util.inspect ported from nodejs).

true by default.

  new Set([1, 2, 3]), // Set(3) { 1, 2, 3 }
  [1, 2, { a: 10 }] // [ 1, 2, { a: 10 } ]


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